
Making Lemonade

Ever the entrepreneur, my boy is an experienced lemonade slinger. His delicious recipe and adorable smile keep people stopping , and most days he turns an impressive profit for a 11 year old.

As he started gearing up for the first sales of the season he said, “hey mom, you know how I was going to save up my lemonade money and buy a motor bike? Is it possible for me to save up all my money and use it for a cure for your sickness? Utterly humbled by his compassion and thoughtfulness, I did my best to explain that there is no cure; it’s just doing things to try to make my body as comfortable as it can be.

Flash forward to today- he was setting up his lemonade stand, and he paused to come talk to me. “You know how you said there is no cure for your sickness? Is it ok if I use my lemonade money to pay for the next few medicines you need?

There are few things in life that prepare your heart to be absolutely melted and shattered and hugged and twisted all at once like that. I’m so thankful for the empathy and gentleness that my boy is learning, even in the midst of such heartache.

6 thoughts on “Making Lemonade”

  1. Dear Hannah,

    I’m not even sure all the feelings I have after reading this, but I know I can’t help crying tears of both joy and sorrow at witnessing such selfless, Christ-like love from the heart of a child. No famous orator, with words of highest eloquence could say “I love you” better than your son just did.

    You are so very much loved.

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  2. Oh Hannah how bittersweet, from the lemonade to the wise words and care of your son. My heart is gripped, a little ache within and a lot of love. May your boy continue to lean strong into the Lord each and every moment. The world needs more Christians like him.

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