

Providence. A young wife stripped of her physical capacity, struggling to do basic things for herself as life moments pass by, leaving her behind.

Providence. A child living his entire young life consumed with the fear his mom is going to be taken from him. Calling her from school 4-5 days a week to make sure she is ok.

Providence. Two young girls swirling and giggling as they try on their mama’s wedding dress while she watches on, swallowing hard as she wonders if she will get to see them married.

Providence. A young boy looked over as having less worth because he is different, broken. Trying to scream his presence and purpose and his charisma for life from a body that won’t let him speak, or stand, or dance.

Providence. A thin sheet of water turns to glass as the tires screech across it, slamming the car into a semi, snatching away the life of a roommate, known, cared for, and needed.

Providence is a word I’d heard but not understood very much about until a recent sermon I heard from my pastor. I learned that Providence means God is in complete control of all things; there is no chance or fate.

This week I have rolled the word over and over in my mind, trying out its relevance, wondering if I have the guts to cling hard to the truth my mind knows even when my heart feels shredded.

What I am learning to believe about providence is that it is responsible for making an important story out of the hard path I am called to walk. When I view life through this lens it lends the hope I need to keep clinging even in these darkest valleys, though not easily.

Providence and I have come head to head this week. I have challenged why God’s complete control feels so out of control at times. I have pondered why if he is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine… why don’t we always get the answers we long for? It seems that sometimes when pursuing God, he cannot be located. What then?

I discovered reading the story of Esther this week that even in such turmoil God’s name was never mentioned, yet His fingerprints were all over that story! I knew God was trying to help me better make sense of the process and better accept particularly the things that we do not prefer or do not understand taking place in our lives. These things, hard as they may be are all part of God’s plan to develop us and take us from where we are to where he wants us to be. We may not see him, but that doesn’t mean he is not behind the scenes arranging every detail for His purpose.

Even the excruciating details. Even the ones that bring you to your knees, and the ones you don’t know how you’ll ever recover from. Every single detail with His loving heart imploring me to never give up hope that the hard parts I walk through are the beginning of something important and even beautiful that he is orchestrating.

Here I am, arms wide open, bleeding heart held out to You. Trusting you will take and use it for Your Kingdom, because I know You never waste our pain, and Your plans are so much greater than my own.

6 thoughts on “Providence”

  1. Wow Hannah! This post is so gut-wrenching and real and true and transparent and thought provoking all at the same time. And it asks the question we all want to know…is God really good? And if so, why is my world falling apart? Thanks for sharing your struggles and your heart and your journey so those watching can know that Yes, God is good, He has a plan and NEVER wastes our suffering. You are living out these truths everyday and many are watching and praying and learning to trust God more because of your faith and trust in Jesus. I’m so thankful for the gift of you in my life. Continuing to pray for you and your family. Sending hugs and much love.


  2. Hi Hannah,
    I believe that God does have a plan for everyone, but unfortunately, it’s hard for us to understand our plan or why some suffer so much through their life’s journey. When both of my parents passed, I had a really hard time understanding why…but, my counselor recommended a book, When Bad Things Happen to Good People. It really helped me look at things differently, but it may not be as helpful for others. You are such as strong woman and such a role model…You have had such a tough journey and you don’t give up. I admire you for that! I am continuing to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs


  3. I can only say, wow. An unflinching and God-exalting look at God’s absolute sovereignty. A doctrine both painfully abstruse and wonderfully comforting. You speak from a place of authority and with remarkable courage. May the Lord be exalted and may His suffering children be comforted.
    God bless you, Hannah!

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