

For months I have been praying about a situation, asking God to clearly show me His will so that I would have peace and assurance in making a difficult decision. Admittedly I grew a bit frustrated and impatient as I sought the right answer and did not hear or feel one way or another.

I am a planner. A list-maker. A lover of straight lines and hard-core committed to doing things ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute. Ha! Well, joke’s on me! Do you think God in His infinite wisdom knows this about me and perhaps wanted to work on my heart to teach me to be still and trust Him and His timing? *Sheepishly nodding my head*

Days ticked into weeks rolled into months and I entered the week of do-or-die, where I’d normally be in full blown panic mode. I feel like a lot of times I have gone ahead and jumped the gun; made the decision myself and put things into action. Strangely this time I felt a certain peace in waiting, knowing I had not yet heard the confirmation I knew came from waiting on God to move. So I waited. I reminded God why an answer sooner than later would be better for allll the reasons, but I waited.

He kept His promise from Jeremiah 29:13 where He said, “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Down to the wire the answer came through. Clear as day, and from multiple different places He affirmed the decision I was to move forward with. One of the confirmations came in the form of a literal hand written note. There was no denying it.

Not only that, but I thought sure things would be screwed up from waiting so long, but every single piece fell into place with impeccable timing and not a moment late.

There was such a humbling in realizing God had it under control the whole time. He was not panicking. He was not making a mess of things by waiting until the last minute. And friends, it has been beautiful.

It has been beautiful because I know without a doubt I am walking in God’s will, and with that comes the assurance that He will bless this, because it was His idea not mine.

In what ways are you challenged to wait on God to move? Is it hard for you like it is for me? Us type A’s, we like to be in control and on time, and boy hardy is it a difficult, but so rewarding practice to be still and wait. Remind me of this the next time I’m ready to take things into my own hands, because I am sure enjoying the peace and success that comes from following what God wants for me instead of what my limited sight can see.

8 thoughts on “Waiting”

  1. Love this! I don’t wait well either and yet the Christian life is always about waiting, surrendering, trusting and waiting some more. From Psalm 130:5…I wait for the Lord, my soul waits and in His word I put my hope. As usual, thanks for sharing your heart and being so transparent…it is a blessing to me and many others. 💕


    1. What a beautiful testimony Hannah . I
      May make a hard copy because it is such a good reminder . It sounds like your maturity level is way ahead of mine . Love you , Aunt N


  2. God has perfect timing – it is more difficult for us; patience and waiting aren’t easy.
    Glad to hear you were patient and received your long-awaited confirmation. Blessings! 🌺

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  3. Ha. One of the qualities of God I have discovered is that He is always pushing our boundaries of faith. About 20 years ago, I noticed He had always been there in situations like you just described. So I decided I’ll do a better job at trusting Him. Ever since then He waits longer and longer to show up to test and grow my faith. I guess it never stops until we are perfect. ❤ (double scoop of ice cream for you)


    1. Haha! It’s kind of like how they say not to pray for patience because then your patience is going to be stretched to the limit! I admire you for making that choice, and I too am striving to remember to trust and wait in /every/ situation, not just the easier ones.


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