
Fight On

I have not slept much this week. Pain, my constant companion is especially rough right now- it’s searing edges too sharp to allow me to relax into slumber. In the lonely night hours that seem to drag on I have much time to ponder. I could count the ways I wish my life had turned out differently, or awaken to each gift of grace this pain has made me see.

This picture was after two nights of no sleep. I was ragged. Beneath the weariness though is such rich contentment. This day brought the joy of watching my little excel at his basketball game. Then I was able to pack a suitcase for my love as he prepares to leave town for work again. That allowed him the time to work on a big surprise that delighted our little people. The night was capped off by nibbling at delicious cuisine that I didn’t have to cook- my favorite! I was so thoroughly beat, but so full, and so thankful. The miracle in each of these small and sometimes mundane moments is not lost on me. I am fighting for each one, and will cherish each box I get to check, sleep or no sleep, because the joy of being present in these big and little snaps of time is truly the greatest treasure.

8 thoughts on “Fight On”

  1. Your strength, your faith and your joy even in the midst of suffering inspires and encourages me…know that God is using you mightily…continuing to pray for you all. 💕


  2. Glad you can enjoy the little pleasures. I am praying for you to be able to sleep and for your pain to be under control. Blessings! 🙏🌺


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