
Being Brave

It gets said a lot; you are so brave. When it is said to me I think to myself, “I am not brave, I am barely hanging on.” I have always self-described bravery as purposely doing something big and scary. Like something voluntary I think. I have always felt like brave is more of a choice rather than something you just are.

Recently my pastor came and sat at my bedside. His enormous hand swallowed mine, and he looked me in the eyes and said, “you are so brave.” I responded by telling him I don’t /feel/ brave; I feel like my anger and my fear and my disappointment is the opposite of brave. It planted a seed in my mind though. I started wondering what brave actually means.

Back in my day, before Google, we had these things called dictionaries. They were huge books that had the definitions of practically every word you could think of. So, I dictionaried the word Brave. Yes, I am making a new word because in this day and age of everything being looked up by Siri I feel like the good old dictionary deserves its own new description that I can convince my kids is real. Dictionaried. That’s what I did. The Oxford Dictionary said this under the word brave:

Ready to face and endure danger or pain.”

It did not say you come looking for the danger or pain, but are simply ready to face it; assuming it has instead come looking for you. It was such a simple definition, but it resonated in my bones. It did not say that bravery is a lack of fear. Wow. This changed my whole perspective. It is ok for us to show up shaking and sobbing and scared out of our ever-loving minds, but being brave simply means being ready for the fight.

My danger and pain today is facing Botox. It is injected into my hamstrings and some of the muscles in my legs to loosen the spasms and help me retain more range of motion. The last time we did this I passed right out on the very last injection. Naturally that bad experience has me feeling extra apprehensive this time around. I know however, that I am putting up the fight of my life. That is my brave; still being afraid of what is going to happen, but showing up anyway because I know good will come of it. Courage is not fearlessness.

Friends, whatever you are facing today, just getting up and facing it makes you brave. You do not have to have good feelings about it, you just need to show up with the ability to endure. The world knows you are afraid, but you love more than you fear, and that is what we all remember about you. Let’s take on today, shall we?

13 thoughts on “Being Brave”

  1. I love this Hannah! And yes, you are very brave, in addition to helping so many others by sharing your journey. You’re always in my prayers Hannah.


  2. Hannah, you ARE ready for the fight, EVERY SINGLE DAY! That doesn’t mean you aren’t scared, or don’t want to cry! You are the epitome of BRAVE. You fight for YOUR everyday, not just for you, but for your kids, husband. You have COURAGE! To continue to be brave is courageous. That doesn’t mean you don’t have negative thoughts or that you don’t want to just give up. To share all those thoughts and open up your heart about your story, that is OUR INSPIRATION! So give yourself a break and JUST BREATHE. You are LOVED💖


  3. I’m so glad you “Dictionaried”, Hannah. This word does describe you tremendously.

    Thank you for bringing us along on your journey of facing all the obstacles that come your way. You are faithfully in my prayers. ❣️


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